Overwhelmed by the Complexity of Health? This May Help

More Reasons Why It Is Important To Quit The Habit

It’s evident that smokers know the health risk with the habit. They include numerous health conditions some life threatening. Future complications are also evident. Lung cancer, heart problems and respiratory infections are some of the common health risks known. Some other factors that may motivate smokers to quit the habit include the following.

Smokers incur a daily cost to get the cigars. This is a major financial burden in the long term. Cumulatively these are amounts that can solve other important financial obligations.

Secondary smokers are at a higher risk of the effects of smoking. This is a direct threat posed by the smokers. A high risk patient of heart attack can have the condition triggered by a small amount of secondary smoke.

Cigarettes contain chemicals that have an effect on the mind. Important senses are lost due to these chemicals. To get the senses back, smokers only need to quit the habit.

Smoking causes the skin to wrinkle hence faster aging. Biochemical processes in the body resulting from smoking are the known cause for this. Skin cells are deprived of oxygen and slowed blood flow on the skin.

Infection of colds and coughs is high among smokers. The habit increases the risk of infection by bacteria responsible for the health problems. This is alongside weakening of the immune system. However with a month out of the habit, the body is able to restore and maintain its immune system hence better health.

The habit limits engagement in physical exercise. Any activity for a long time tends to make the smoker run out of breath. This is attributed to the high demand on the heart and lungs caused by smoke and this makes the smoker to run out of breath within a short time of exercises.

Smell of the smoke gets to every part of the body. Socializing with non smokers therefore becomes a big problem. The best remedy for this problem is to quit smoking.

Smokers find it hard to date. Partners will always keep off or spend little time with a smoker and in certain instance get off the relationship. To improve on dating and marriage life, quitting the habit as a smoker is paramount as the other partner will be more comfortable.

Cigarette smoke is known to cause stains on teeth. Chemicals from the smoke erode the enamel coating the teeth resulting in browning. This poses a further risk of losing the teeth and in certain instances bacterial infections on the gums.

Nothing disgusts as cigarette butts within the home. Being a regular habit, it means there will be something that makes the home untidy. Quitting the habit is the only to keep the home clean. It is also a bigger step in maintain personal cleanliness alongside a tidy home.

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