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Many top-level executives believe they possess the knowledge to plan and execute strategies for their company or strategic unit. Achieving focus within a company is a challenging task, especially when leadership team members have often risen to their positions through success in specific functions. In a rapidly changing world, a successful strategy must be capable of embracing radical change, continuous improvement, and various options in between.

Top executives and leadership teams face time pressures, always having more tasks than time allows. They dedicate long hours to managing the business, winning new orders, ensuring operational efficiency, and meeting short-term expectations. A well-defined strategy creates new competitive advantages and directs the entire business toward generating better returns for intellectual, managerial, and resource inputs.

A clear strategy, understood by employees, customers, investors, and stakeholders, with universal support from the leadership team and board of directors, is crucial for any successful enterprise, whether in business or not. Strategic planning is essential for leaders to develop such a strategy.

To develop a strategy leading to sustainable competitive advantage and effective implementation, a clear strategic framework is required. This framework, proven successful in over 80 companies, from small businesses to large corporations, is typically developed through workshops for the leadership team.


* Identify strategic planning and understand its purpose.
* Analyze aspects of strategic planning.
* Consider organizational mission, vision, objectives, and goals.
* Outline the process of strategic planning.

Overview of strategic planning for decision-makers:

Improper planning may result in:

* Higher costs
* Lack of coordination
* Confusion
* Internal competition
* Duplication
* Inefficiency
* Budget battles
* Lost opportunities

Strategic planning provides:

* Direction, framework, vision
* Increased chance of success
* Identification of upfront related functionality
* Characterized by flexibility

What is strategy?

A strategy is a unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan aligning the firm’s strategic advantages with environmental challenges. It ensures the enterprise’s basic objectives are achieved through proper execution.


* John Kay, 1993: Competitive strategy aligns the firm’s position with its competitors in chosen markets. It’s the match between internal capabilities and external relationships.
* Igor Ansoff, 1994: Strategic management is a comprehensive procedure starting with strategic diagnosis, guiding a firm through steps leading to new products, markets, technologies, and capabilities.
* Henry Mintzberg, 1994: Strategy is not the consequence but the starting point of planning.
* Johnson & Scholes, 1997: The direction and scope of an organization over the long term, achieving advantage through resource configuration within a changing environment.
* Gary Hamel, 1997: Strategy is always serendipity, the product of unexpected interplay between ideas, information, concepts, and personalities.
* Bob Gorzynski, 1998: Strategy is life, determining who you are, where you’re headed, and figuring out how to get there.

Levels of strategy:

There are three levels of strategy:

Corporate strategy applies to large companies with discrete autonomous units, often seen in holding companies. Corporate strategy involves the fundamental question of why different businesses are grouped together, addressing issues like investment, economies of scale, or sharing core competencies.

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